imagine a self-clarity so strong that you can stop performing and start being.

Learn how to discover your unique talents and craft an authentic, purpose-fueled personal identity.

define your main character

Claiming your authentic self begins with knowing who you really are. Without the conditioning. Without the masks. Without the many things you’ve had to do to survive in spaces that weren’t ready for the real you.

The first step of your journey? Defining your main character.

  • When you embrace your true identity you go from outcast to iconoclast.

    ~ Kisha Solomon

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ready to reveal your true self?

A well-defined main character is all the mental armor you need to thrive in a world that doesn’t always see you as the hero you are. Learn how to discover your unique talents and craft a purpose-fueled professional identity.

get the guide

  • How to:

    • Unpack identity-defining moments from your past

    • Unlock your full potential with 5 revealing assessments

    • Review your assessment results for ideal careers & relationship matches

    • Craft your own personal manifesto as an affirmation of your identity & values

    • Get the confidence to embrace what makes you unique!

    • Professionals from historically marginalized backgrounds (women, POC, LGBTQ, neurodivergent)

    • Professionals who primarily serve clients and communities from historically marginalized backgrounds

    • Leaders of change and transformation efforts

    • Anyone struggling to answer the questions: ‘Who am I?’ or ‘What should I do with my life?’ 

  • Ideal if / when:

    • Starting or changing jobs / careers

    • Overcoming toxic workplaces or relationships

    • Feeling stagnant or stuck

    • Battling impostor syndrome

    • Starting a new chapter in life

“It's mind-boggling how accurate these assessments are and it's helping a lot to understand where to put my energy in bettering myself. Look forward to learning more!”

— Farrah F, Workshop participant

group workshops & Training

Authentic leadership begins with owning who you are. Invest in self-study as your foundation for future growth.

Schedule a virtual or in-person ‘Define Your Main Character’ workshop to help you and your team become more impactful leaders of self & others.