6 Operating Rhythm Examples & Systems To Support Them
Every organization, every team, every leader will have their own operating rhythms. But there are some common rhythms that many high-performing teams have and rely upon to get their most strategic projects and goals done.
These rhythms don’t just help them get goals across the finish line, they also help keep progress visible and allow for enough flexibility to change priorities, resources and expectations as situations change (which they invariably do).
Here are 6 Common Operating Rhythms of High-Performing Teams:
#1 Annual Strategic Planning & Visioning
What: Set or re-set the ‘happily ever after’ vision for the next 1-3 years. These are the ‘big hairy audacious goals’ that will bring you closer to fulfilling your mission or purpose.
When: Each year, near the start of the year, but definitely before the end of the first quarter.
Who: Leadership team, key decision makers, stakeholders
Support Systems: Executive Management
#2 Quarterly Goal Planning
What: Prioritize the projects, programs and goals you will undertake in the next 90 days that will bring you closer to realizing the strategic vision you set at the start of the year. Identify measurable results of project, program or goal. These goals should generally be completed within 1 year.
When: Each quarter, near the start of the year, but definitely before the end of the first month in the quarter.
Who: Leadership team, Project or program leaders, key decision makers
Support Systems: Executive Management, Communications & Collaboration, Project Management
#3 Monthly Goal Review / Planning
What: Review progress and results-to-date on quarterly projects, programs and goals. Revise goals or update strategy as needed. Devise action plans for continued goal progress.
When: Each quarter, near the start of the year, but definitely before the end of the first month in the quarter.
Who: Leadership team, Project or program leaders, team members, key decision makers
Support Systems: Communications & Collaboration, Project Management
#4 Monthly Financial Close & Reporting
What: Finalize, review and consolidate accounting transactions for the month. Create and analyze financial reports.
When: The end of each month
Who: Accounting team, Leadership team, Project or program leaders
Support Systems: Accounting & Financial Management, Executive Management, Communications & Collaboration
#5 Weekly Plan & Review
What: Review weekly Red, Amber, Green (RAG) status for the month’s goals. Devise action plans for continued goal progress.
When: Each quarter, near the start of the year, but definitely before the end of the first month in the quarter.
Who: Project or program leaders, team members key decision makers
Support Systems: Project Management, Communications & Collaboration
#6 Daily Touchpoints
What: 15-30 minute team meeting for help, issues or questions on this week’s action plans.
When: Daily or 2-3 times per week
Who: Project or program leaders, team members, key decision makers
Support Systems: Project Management, Communications & Collaboration
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