Story As Strategy: Define Your Main Character

Part 1 of the Strategic Story Masterplan is Define Your Main Character.

The Main Character of your strategic story is the individual or group that will define, prioritize and accomplish the objectives and outcomes to achieve your happily ever after, or, strategic vision.

Understanding your Main Character’s backstory and identity is an essential first step to defining a strategy that aligns with your values, strengths and capabilities.

Define Your Main Character


Assess yourself, your team, organization or product to define what makes you unique and why you do what you do.


Before you can figure out where you’re going, you have to understand who you are and where you’ve come from. When you know your strengths and have a clear sense of your identity and values, you’re in a better position to define a future vision that is aligned with them & communicate it clearly to your team, customers and stakeholders.


Annually. Create once. Then review and refine at least once a year.

The Strategic Story Masterplan Framework

The Strategic Story Masterplan is my own story-based framework for defining or refining strategy or a strategic initiative for a team, product or organization.

As a framework, it is meant to serve as a guide. A collection of parts that can be used individually or in any combination that is relevant for your planning scenario.

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Tell Your Story, Set Your Operating Rhythm and Establish Your Systems.

kisha solomon

Kisha Solomon is the founder of The Good Woman School. A writer, traveler and thinker, Kisha has made a career as a strategic advisor to corporate executives and small business owners. Her ‘big why’ includes elevating the status of black women and people of color around the world. 

Visit her personal blog at:

The Power in Creating Your Own Rhythm + Systems


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