First, select your destination.
Where do you want to go?
What’s the biggest / most important goal you have right now?
Who do you want to be when you grow up?
These are big questions. Questions we tend to ask ourselves at times like this. Transition times. Times of shift or change.
So, if you’re like me, you’ve been asking yourself these questions lately. But you may be finding it hard to come up with the answers.
Not because the answers are hard, but because they are overwhelming. The options are so many, the potential for messing up so great, the lack of clarity on how to get from here to there is surprisingly intimidating.
““I want to get there,” you think.
“But I don’t want to bumble around in the dark, tripping over my feet and looking awkward. I just want to arrive at my destination...”
“ soon as I can figure out exactly where it is that I’m going.”
“I just know I don’t want to be here anymore. I’m ready... but for what? Where?””
Look. I’ve been there. In a state of wanting to go, but not knowing where to go, so choosing to stay put despite the current circumstances not being ideal.
You know what that’s called?
Aka, stuck.
But, the universe has a way of nudging us forward.
And now - at least according to those of us who study astrology - is one of those times that the universe is about to give all of us a big nudge.
In preparation for this ‘season of shift’, I’ve compiled a short series of audio recordings to help set the tone and get myself (and you!) ready to make the most of this time.
{ Listen to the first audio recording now }
These audio clips can be listened to while sitting quietly sipping your morning coffee, taking a walk or folding the laundry. Listen to them all in one sitting or over the next couple of days.
Audio 1: Leaving Somewhere Is Not Going Somewhere
Audio 2: So What’s The Big Deal With Dec 21, 2020?
Audio 3: The 2 Things You MUST Have Before Making A Major Life Change
Audio 4: Self-Development As Magic
Consider them your boarding pass as we begin the journey into a new season, a new year and a new age... the so-called ‘age of Aquarius’.
Boarding starts soon.
Issue my boarding pass!
Enter your email address to get your pass. Get instant access to the audio series. And get ready to make a big shift.